The Angel in the Marble
An artist sees the angel in the marble and carves the marble to set it free. It is an act of faith. The only way of finding the limit of the possible is by going beyond it into the realm of the impossible. At Legends of India we believed and set out to bring art forms out from their esoteric niches into the popular domain for all to see the angel in the marble. It has been a splendid, though somewhat solitary journey. But the impossible happened and the artist community – musicians, exponents of the fine arts, dancers, theatre personalities, the celebrated and the yet to be celebrated – have partnered us in the vibrant decades of splendid performances.
What drives us onwards is a belief that the potential of Indian classical art is not being explored fully and young exponents are lured away by more popular forms. One way to rejuvenate, what the world acclaims is one of the finest cultural traditions, is to try and familiarize the GENEXT with the principles of Indian art.
We have therefore taken a conscious step to inculcate art forms in the minds of the young generation through a comprehensive plan, to help imbibe a positive change in their outlook. We intend to humbly achieve this change among those who are unaware of their talents and expose them to the ‘World of Art Forms’ through Legends of India, an institution of excellence. It is our firm belief that our great art forms should be made a part of the educational curriculum.
We appeal to all our patrons, sponsors and well-wishers, to Governments, both at the centre and the states, to help us give concrete shape to our Charter, our journey to becoming a global brand. We require aid to help build a permanent infrastructure where the Gurukul tradition may be preserved and nurtured and people across the world find a cultural haven.
Every accomplishment begins with a decision to try. In spite of seemingly insurmountable obstacles, we have dared to dream. We have seen the angel appearing from the marble. Today we invite you to share this dream.
Dipayan Mazumdar, Founder
A registered society: Society Registration Act XXI, of 1860, (Avail of 80G (5) (VII) of the Income Tax Act, 1961)
Registered under Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act 1976
All donations and aid to LOI is exempt from tax, under section 80(g) and section 12 A of the Income Tax Act. LOI is registered under FCRA norms for receipt of foreign grants